Ukraine has 350 MW of solar under web metering

Feb 24, 2020 01:24 PM ET
  • Around 240 MW of brand-new installments were released from October 2018 throughout of September as well as roughly 70 MW were set up in the 3rd quarter of in 2014 alone, according to the accountable state body.
Ukraine has 350 MW of solar under web metering
Image: JamesHills/Pixabay

The State Agency on Energy Efficiency as well as Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) has actually reported the country had 350 MW of roof PV running under internet metering at the end of September.

Around 240 MW of brand-new generation ability was released from October 2018 throughout of September as well as around 70 MW were mounted in the 3rd quarter of in 2015 alone, the SAEE reported.

The Dnipropetrovsk as well as Ternopil areas had the biggest quantities of roof ability, with 50 MW and also 37 MW, specifically, as well as the Kyiv area was 3rd with 27 MW.

Financial investment

Around 15,000 homes have actually set up roof varieties, the company included. Complete financial investment in roof systems got to around EUR300 million by the end of September, according to the general public body.

Ukraine's internet metering program, which is open to PV installments with a generation capability of as much as 30 kW, was presented under the regulation No514-VIII, which entered result in April 2015.

At the end of 2018, Ukraine had actually gotten to 1.3 GW of set up solar energy ability. At the time, the quantity of solar under internet metering had actually covered 121 MW.



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