The major floating PV plant in Saemangeum (South Korea) stands up for its rights

Nov 4, 2019 08:29 PM ET
  • The Ministry of National Defense of South Korea assures that a major floating PV generator that is planned to be located in the Saemangeum tidal flat will give no impact on military flight and landing operations of United States military forces based nearby.
The major floating PV plant in Saemangeum (South Korea) stands up for its rights
Image: geralt/Pixabay

The Defense Ministry of South Korea announces that the 2.1 GW floating solar station, which is to be installed next to Saemangeum mud flat, on the Yellow Sea shore, is going to have no influence on air flights conducted at the American military base situated in the proximity.

The Ministry speaker informs the audience that the floating PV plant can in no way provoke a conflict with the United States of America. U.S. Forces in Korea disprove the article published the other day by the major conservative South Korean paper. USFK has nothing against the forthcoming solar project. According to the governmental news agency, the Defense Ministry representative says the solar plant in Saemangeum can in no way interfere with military flights of US base in Korea.

The major local newspaper stated that U.S. Forces Korea was concerned that the sunlight reflection could prevent air flights as well as landing at Gunsan Airfield, located in the close proximity to the floating PV. The large photovoltaic project is being developed by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, a KEPCO subsidiary. The latter denies the groundless worries.

The Saemangeum solar station is worth $3.96 billion. The Seoul informed the public of the coming floating project in summer 2019 within the framework of the government’s attempts to raise a portion of green power in electricity sector of Korea. A year ago, president of SK declared a 3 GW on-ground PV station planned to be built in Saemangeum.

In a ten year’s period, the government of South Korea expects the PV generation of the country to exceed 30 GW.