
Mini series: ‘Today, it’s not just the energy that you produce’
While based in Munich in Germany’s south, renewable asset management software provider 3megawatt’s first major clients were in the United States. However, as the European markets have transitioned beyond feed-in tariffs to the complexity of subsidy-free solar and wind arrays, the understanding of the need for asset management tools is rapidly increasing, says 3megawatt founder and CEO Edmee Kelsey.
Aug 29, 2019 // Tariffs, Software, Opinions, USA, Germany, Europe, North America, tariffs, Munich, Edmee Kelsey, 3megawatt
Trump ratchets up tariffs on Chinese products – including batteries
While the damage is largely done for cells, modules and inverters, increased tariffs on U.S. module components and 15% measures on lithium-ion batteries are not good news for either sector.
Aug 29, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Inverters, Tariffs, USA, Lithium-ion batteries, TESLA, Sungrow, Trump, Inverters, Huawei, North America, tariffs, PV cells, modules, Enphase, Flex, USTR, Kelly Speakes-Backman