
EPR Realty Completes Solar Pilot Program with REACH Commercial 2020 Company
Energy-Producing Retail Realty, Inc. (' EPR2'), a capitalist in as well as designer of EPR/energy legal rights and also a member of the REACH Commercial Class of 2020, has actually announced the completion of its EPR-Solar Pilot Program with Basin Street Properties (' BSP'), a leader in industrial real estate in Northern California and also Nevada.
Oct 23, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, sacramento, Borrego Solar, Basin Street Properties, Blake Riva, Chris Pawlik, EPR2, Santa Rosa,, Solar Pilot Program
California green-lights plans for green energy boom in Sacramento
California’s state planning authorities have waved through a plan by a Sacramento utility to roll out gigawatts’ worth of green energy over the next two decades, including utility-scale storage.
Jan 24, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Storage, Rooftop PV, California, USA, pv power plants, BESS, North America, 8minute Solar Energy, sacramento, smud