Tiarnan Doherty

Secret to treating 'Achilles' heel' of perovskite alternatives to silicon solar panels revealed
A group of researchers from the UK and Japan has actually located that the tiny issues which limit the efficiency of perovskites-- more affordable alternative materials for solar cells-- are also in charge of architectural modifications in the material that result in degradation.
May 25, 2022 // Technology, UK, solar cells, Europe, perovskite, Sam Stranks, University of Cambridge, Tiarnan Doherty, silicon solar panels
Templating strategy stabilises 'perfect' material for alternative solar cells
Scientists have actually created an approach to maintain an appealing material known as perovskite for inexpensive solar cells, without jeopardizing its near-perfect performance.
Dec 27, 2021 // Technology, Manufacturing News, solar cells, perovskite, University of Cambridge, Tiarnan Doherty, Satyawan Nagane