
Indian IPP ReNew Power to invest US$ 265m in 2GW upstream plant
Indian independent power producer (IPP) ReNew Power has confirmed strategies to introduce an upstream solar cell as well as module production center in India.
Jul 16, 2020 // Manufacturing News, Markets & Finance News, manufacturing, India, solar cells, Asia, solar modules, ReNew Power, upstream, Sumant Sinha
Hitachi ABB Power Grids launches EV fleet billing system
The containerized product incorporates a grid connection with numerous charging systems, allowing electrical public transportation and commercial fleet drivers to bill more vehicles with less facilities needed at depots.
Jul 16, 2020 // Technology, Storage, Grids, India, Asia, Hitachi ABB Power Grids
SECI to Conduct Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting for 15 MW Floating Solar Tender
SECI has mentioned that the pre-bid conference for its tender for establishing of 15 MW floating solar PV power plant in Himachal Pradesh will be conducted online.
Jul 15, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Floating PV, India, SECI, Asia, Floating solar, Himachal Pradesh, covid 19, pre-bid meeting, SECI Pre-Bid Meeting, Virtual Meeting
BHEL Tenders for O&M of 3 Solar Projects in SCCL Telangana
BHEL has provided three tenders, looking for quote from eligible companies for undertaking the O&M work for 3 solar projects worth 79 MW for SCCL in Telangana.
Jul 15, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, O&M, tender, Asia, bhel, SCCL, Telangana, solar projects, BHEL O&M SCCL
NHPC Awards LoA for 400 MW ISTS-Connected Solar Projects
NHPC has issued a letter of award (LoA) to a Solar Power Developer (SPD) for ISTS-connected solar projects for balance 400 MW ability in its 2 GW tender
Jul 15, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, Asia, NHPC, solar projects, LoA
Skilancer launches water-free module cleaner for residential rooftop solar plants
With the current robotic cleaning offering, the startup aims to record the residential solar market that currently stands at an ability of 4400 MW and is anticipated to get to 8500 MW by the end of 2020.
Jul 15, 2020 // Technology, Manufacturing News, Residential, India, Asia, startup, Skilancer, Manish Das
NTPC Tenders for 1100 kWp Solar Power Plant in Bihar
NTPC Ltd has issued a tender for setting up of 1100 kWp grid-connected solar PV nuclear power plant at North Karanpura in the state of Bihar.
Jul 14, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, tender, NTPC, Asia, Bihar
Cargill Partners With CleanMax for RE Projects in India
Cargill has actually partnered with CleanMax in India to fulfill 70 to 80 percent of its facility's electricity needs from a solar and also wind crossbreed project in Karnataka.
Jul 14, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, hybrid, Asia, Projects, Cargill, CleanMax, Cargill CleanMax India, Jill Kolling
SCCL Planning to establish 500 MW Floating Solar Plants in Telengana
SCCL is planning to establish floating solar PV power plants on water bodies in the state of Telangana, with a combined generational capability of 500 MW.
Jul 14, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Floating PV, India, floating PV, Asia, SCCL, Telangana, Projects, TSREDC
PM Modi to Dedicate 750 MW Rewa Solar Project to the Nation
PM Narendra Modi will dedicate to the nation the 750 MW Solar Project established at Rewa, Madhya Pradesh on July 10, 2020.
Jul 10, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, Asia, bhel, solar plant, Madhya Pradesh, Rail Traction Applications
PM Modi to Devote 750 MW Rewa Solar Project to the Country
PM Narendra Modi will certainly dedicate to the country the 750 MW Solar Project established at Rewa, Madhya Pradesh on July 10, 2020.
Jul 10, 2020 // Plants, India, Asia, narendra modi, Projects, Modi Rewa Solar, Rewa Solar Park
Currently Punjab Wants to Wreck Solar Contracts
Also as the issues from Andhra Pradesh are still to be settled, comes the information of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL), the key state discom, promoting a 10 percent discom from solar energy manufacturers.
Jul 10, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, India, Asia, NSEFI, PSPCL, CERC, Adani Solar, Amarinder Singh, contract sanctity in solar, Discoms, PSERC
Hitachi ABB Power Grids India wins Rs 120-crore order
The business has landed an order from state-run Chittaranjan Locomotive Works to supply transformers for products and guest locomotive engines.
Jul 10, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, India, Asia, Hitachi ABB Power Grids India, N. Venu
Tender Issued for 25 MW Canal Top Solar Plants in Karnataka
SSCL has tendered for setting up 25 MW solar plants on the Upper Tanga Canal Stretches passing through the Shivamogga City in Karnataka on DBFOT Basis.
Jul 9, 2020 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, India, tender, Asia, solar plants, karnataka, Canal Top, MESCOM, SSCL
Enel joins the Indian solar gold rush
The Italian utility, fresh from safeguarding its initial 300 MW of PV generation capability in the nation in a current, record-setting tender, has actually partnered with the state-owned Norwegian Investment Fund to devote to additional clean energy facilities in India.
Jul 9, 2020 // Markets & Finance News, Italy, India, Enel, SECI, tender, Europe, Asia, Antonio Cammisecra, Solarpack, Norway