Enhancing Perovskite Thin-Film Interfaces for Solar Cells
Revolutionary research from HKBU, HKUST, and Yale uncovers key to enhancing perovskite solar cells. Say goodbye to surface concavities and hello to improved efficiency and stability.
Jul 22, 2024 // Technology, solar cell, perovskite, HKUST, Yale, HKBU
A photo-rechargeable lead-free perovskite lithium-ion battery that generates and stores energy
A team of scientists from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has created a cost-effective, light-weight, and safe (lead-free) photo-battery that has dual features in collecting solar power and keeping energy on a single gadget, making it possible to charge a battery imaginable, without having to connect the device into the wall surface.
Aug 20, 2021 // Technology, Storage, China, Asia, lithium-ion battery, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKUST, Jonathan Eugene HALPERT