Doosan Gridtech

8minute, Doosan GridTech to collaborate on predictive solar-plus-storage dispatch controls
Leading US solar developer 8minute Solar Energy is to collaborate with Doosan GridTech to use advanced, predictive software controls to dispatch energy from solar-plus-storage plant in California.
Oct 28, 2019 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Markets & Finance News, USA, pv power plants, solar pv, solar-plus-storage, North America, Doosan Gridtech, 8minute Solar Energy, Tom Buttgenbach, predictive software, frequency response
8minute Solar Energy, Doosan GridTech developing advanced solar+storage software control solution
8minute Solar Energy has partnered with Doosan GridTech to develop an advanced energy software control solution for dispatching energy from advanced photovoltaic solar-plus-storage centers (PVS).
Oct 26, 2019 // Storage, Software, California, USA, North America, Doosan Gridtech, 8minute Solar Energy, solar+storage, Tom Buttgenbach, Doosan’s Intelligent Controller, Daejin Choi
SunSpec Alliance forms Blockchain Work Group to advance system security
The SunSpec Alliance and members Doosan Gridtech, Kitu Systems and Wivity announced the creation of the SunSpec Blockchain Work Group. The work group will create requirements and specifications for a decentralized application to protect the security credentials of distributed energy resource (DER) systems such as solar PV systems and electric vehicles.
Oct 23, 2019 // Solar, SunSpec Alliance, Blockchain Work Group, Doosan Gridtech, Kitu Systems, Wivity, Tom Tansy, Gordon Lum