
Polymer p-doping improves perovskite solar cell stability
Perovskite solar cells have drawn a significant amount of study attention as a promising option to conventional silicon-based solar cells, as a result of their effectiveness in converting sunlight right into electrical power. Perovskite solar cells are a hybrid of organic as well as not natural materials and also contain a light-harvesting layer as well as a charge-transporting layer.
Jan 20, 2023 // Technology, China, Asia, EPFL, Michael Grätzel, perovskite solar cell, Xiong Li, Michael Grätzel Center for Mesoscopic Solar Cells
JA Solar modules picked for 875-MW solar project in Qatar
Chinese solar products maker JA Solar Technology Co Ltd (SHE:002459) said on Wednesday it will supply solar (PV) modules for an 875-MW solar project in Qatar, touted as the largest one in the Arab nation.
Jan 19, 2023 // Manufacturing News, JA Solar, Asia, Qatar, PV module, Solar Project
IFC to Help Kyrgyzstan Develop Renewable Projects Through PPP Model
Concerning 100-150 MW of grid-connected solar energy will be attached through the partnership. IFC will certainly advise Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Kyrgyzstan, on structuring a public-private partnership (PPP) to mobilize economic sector experience and capital to construct and run a pilot solar plant.
Jan 19, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Policy, Asia, world bank, international finance corporation, ifc, Solar Project, Kyrgyzstan, Muneer Ferozie, Taalaibek Ibraev
Billionaire Says Australia-to-Singapore Solar Plan Now Unviable
Squadron Energy says power Cable to Singapore not viable Sees future for eco-friendly assets in Northern Territory
Jan 16, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Australia, Asia, Oceania, Singapore, Sun Cable, Squadron Energy
Israel's Data Centre Industry Majorly Driven by Renewable Power
International cloud provider AWS, for instance, is also developing a Data Centers Project in the nation. The project is being powered by smart grid innovation as well as boasts of power capacity of close to 48 MW.
Jan 16, 2023 // Plants, Grids, Asia, Israel, grid, Renewable Energy, data centres, hard to abate industry, rising electricity prices
Scientists count on facet engineering for more stable perovskite solar cells
Scientists at Switzerland's EPFL as well as Sungkyunkwan University in Korea have attended to the issue of perovskite solar cells' stability.
Jan 13, 2023 // Technology, Europe, Asia, Korea, solar cell, perovskite, Switzerland, EPFL, Sungkyunkwan University
Hive to plans 2GW solar-storage in Turkey
Developer has looked for co-located projects with capacities ranging from 11MW to 230MW in scale
Jan 13, 2023 // Plants, Markets & Finance News, Storage, Asia, Turkey, hive energy
Improving perovskite solar cell resistance to degradation
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) can be made with low-cost materials, are highly effective, can surpass conventional silicon solar cells, as well as have the prospective to reinvent renewable energy. However, one of the current drawbacks preventing their widespread usage has is their lack of functional stability.
Jan 13, 2023 // Technology, Asia, Korea, solar cell, perovskite, Sungkyunkwan University, EPF
Bangladesh Warms Up To Jinko's N Type Modules
A 1.5 MW project is the very first of huge corporate projects in Bangladesh for Jinko Solar. The firm has seen solid interest in the nation, as well as hopes to be a major player in the solar segment there.
Jan 11, 2023 // Rooftop PV, India, Asia, PV module, Jinko
Japan's Pacifico Energy finishes 77-MW solar project in the house
Japanese renewables designer Pacifico Energy KK has finished the 77-MWdc Banshu Mega Solar Power Plant project in Japan's southern-central Kansai region.
Jan 10, 2023 // Plants, Large-Scale, Commercial, Japan, Asia, Pacifico Energy, Solar Project
Masdar inks 1GW Kyrgyzstan renewables deal
Agreement with Kyrgyz Republic's energy ministry commences with a 200MW PV project due online in 2026
Jan 10, 2023 // Plants, Masdar, Asia, Kyrgyzstan
UK's Hive Energy to Invest $4Billion for 4 GW of Solar + Storage in Turkey
The solar power projects would remain in the capacity variety of 11 MW to 210 MW as well as cumulatively will have a capacity of 4 GW. Hive Energy will certainly create the projects via joint ventures with two partners based out of Turkey itself.
Jan 10, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Storage, Asia, Turkey, Energy Market Regulatory Authority, hive energy, Adıyaman, EMRA
Swedish-Israeli research group will certainly examine the self-healing abilities of perovskite solar cells
A research collective project involving scientists from Sweden's Karlstad University and also Israel's Ben-Gurion University of the Negev as well as Weizmann Institute of Science will take a look at exactly how perovskite solar cells could recover and self-repair at night.
Jan 9, 2023 // Technology, Sweden, solar cells, Europe, Asia, Israel, perovskite, Karlstad University, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Weizmann Institute of Science, Ellen Moons
Sungrow to Supply Inverter Solutions to 814 MWac Project In Qatar
The contract with Samsung C&T's Engineering & Construction Group envisages the supply of its MV-integrated 1500V string inverter solution SG320HX to an 814 MWac PV project in Qatar. This 814 MWac PV project signed is the second solar power plant in your area constructed, as well as can generate about 1,800 GWh of clean electrical energy annually.
Jan 9, 2023 // Inverters, Sungrow, Asia, Qatar, inverter, PV Power Plant, James Wu, Samsung C&T, Juyoul Kim, SG320HX
Iran Aims To Get International Solar Alliance Membership
Currently, the share of renewables in Iran's power generation is only a little over 1.1%. According to the Ministry of Energy, solar power plants have an annual production of 455.28 megawatts as well as a share of a little over 50 percent of renewable power. Wind power plants, on the other hand, have a share of 34.31%.
Jan 9, 2023 // Markets & Finance News, Policy, Asia, North America, Iran, wind power plants, solar power plants, Renewable Electricity, Antigua and Barbuda, Solar Farms, international solar alliance, installed capacity, Sixth Development Plan