Revolutionary Laser Technique Achieves Room-Temperature Perovskites
Revolutionizing semiconductor fabrication, researchers unveil a room-temperature method for creating perfectly ordered metal halide perovskites, paving the way for next-gen optoelectronic innovations.
Jan 20, 2025 // Technology, perovskite, AMOLF, University of Oxford, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, University of Twente, Universidad Andres Bello
Scientists transform algae right into perovskite materials with unique structures
Researchers from Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden), AMOLF, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz have transformed single-cell algae into functional perovskite materials.
Mar 21, 2023 // Technology, perovskite, AMOLF, Dresden University of Technology, TU Dresden, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Perovskites under pressure: Hot electrons cool quicker
In solar cells, about two third of the power of sunshine is shed. Half of this loss is due to a process called 'warm carrier cooling' where high energy photons shed their excess power in the form of warmth before being transformed to electricity.
Aug 4, 2021 // Technology, solar cell, perovskite, AMOLF, efficiency
Perovskites under pressure: Hot electrons cool down quicker
In solar cells, regarding 2 third of the power of sunshine is lost. Fifty percent of this loss results from a process called 'hot provider cooling' where high power photons shed their excess power in the form of warm before being converted to electrical energy. Researchers at AMOLF have actually located a way to control the speed of this process in perovskites by using stress to the product.
Apr 23, 2021 // Technology, solar cell, perovskite, AMOLF
Mystery of amorphous perovskite resolved
AMOLF researchers Erik Garnett, Susan Rigter, and also colleagues are the initial to have irrefutably shown that amorphous perovskite exists. The material can dramatically increase the efficiency of solar cells produced from perovskite. The research study is published today in the journal Advanced Functional Products.
Feb 18, 2021 // Technology, solar cells, perovskite, AMOLF, efficiently, Erik Garnett, Susan Rigter
A new generation of nano-architected, 3D solar cells
A group of scientists at Netherlands based research institute AMOLF have discovered a method for electrochemical printing at the nanoscale. With further optimizations, the group theorizes, the technique could allow for the development of new, three dimensional solar cells.
Oct 9, 2019 // Technology, Europe, Netherlands, AMOLF, Mark Aarts