Sunfolding adapts solar trackers to uneven topography
- Sunfolding, a distributor of domestic solar monitoring innovation, has actually developed an option for projects on variable terrain to alleviate grading within the solar array limits. Using Sunfolding's AirLink innovation, TopoTrack's mechanically independent, scaled-down tracker rows lessen lost land within the fence line as well as at sites that were as soon as considered off-limits to solar.

TopoTrack features 2 blog posts, 2 actuators as well as two purlins. By shortening row size, TopoTrack enhances slope tolerance between rows as well as expands the limits of where the trackers can be set up.
" Sunfolding is driven to challenge conventional wisdom concerning solar project development on any land. You no longer have to flatten your site to make it ideal for trackers. TopoTrack makes the most of both capacity and also yield while essentially removing grading," said Glen Davis, CEO of Sunfolding. "We're making solar projects simpler to establish, develop and run, and also a lot more profitable to possess."
The blog posts, actuators, and purlins for TopoTrack ship from U.S. manufacturing centers. Sunfolding sources over 90% of the tracker costs of products from a 250-mile radius in the Midwest to lower shipping preparations.
" Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act is indicating unprecedented solar development and a shift in the direction of facilities with low effect on the earth integrated with favorable influence on the U.S. economy. This is what Sunfolding gives," said Leila Madrone, creator and also CTO of Sunfolding. "Sunfolding makes it possible to construct solar plants without grading and also no disruption of all-natural ecosystems due to the flexibility of our unique drive system. As well as our mechanical and structural components are locally sourced from the United States vehicle industry."
Sunfolding will certainly display TopoTrack in the Solar energy International exhibition hall at RE+, September 20-22, in Anaheim, California at booth # 1220 to see TopoTrack.
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