Statkraft, Infinis Power Up UK Solar

Jul 19, 2023 04:42 PM ET
  • Statkraft and Infinis have signed two seven-year PPAs for two solar farms in England, covering 92MW of installed capacity. Unity, Statkraft's VPP system, will actively manage the output of the farms to ensure optimal efficiency. Statkraft and Infinis hope to continue the partnership for future projects.
Statkraft, Infinis Power Up UK Solar

Statkraft and Infinis have signed two seven-year power purchase agreements (PPAs) pertaining to two solar farms in England, covering an installed capacity of 92MW. These are the first PPAs that Statkraft has signed for projects that received Contracts for Difference (CfD) in Allocation Round 4 (AR4). Statkraft's virtual power plant (VPP) system, Unity, will be used to actively manage the output of the solar farms to avoid generating in any periods where the day-ahead power price is negative. Unity has been used for several years to manage Statkraft's renewables PPA portfolio in Germany and Europe, and to optimise flexible generation in the UK. Statkraft has worked with Infinis on numerous projects, and hopes to continue to develop the partnership in the future. They are also in discussions with other projects that received CfD contracts for AR4.

What Benefits Will Statkraft and Infinis Receive From Their PPAs?

  • Statkraft and Infinis will receive a consistent source of energy from the two solar farms, which can be used to actively manage output and optimize flexible generation in the UK.
  • With the use of Statkraft's Unity virtual power plant (VPP) system, negative day-ahead power prices can be avoided.
  • The PPAs will allow Statkraft and Infinis to further develop their partnership in the future.
  • The two solar farms will provide Statkraft and Infinis with a steady source of renewable energy for the next seven years.
  • The agreement gives Statkraft and Infinis the opportunity to explore further discussions with other projects that received CfD contracts in Allocation Round 4.