Space Solar Farms: Viable Reality Now?

Oct 25, 2023 04:06 PM ET
  • Harness the power of the universe: Scientists from the Universities of Surrey and Swansea have proven it is possible to create lightweight, low-cost solar panels that can generate energy in space. These findings could open the door to commercially viable solar farms in space - find out how!
Space Solar Farms: Viable Reality Now?

Scientists from the Universities of Surrey and Swansea have proven it is possible to create low-cost, lightweight solar panels that can generate energy in space. The panels, made from cadmium telluride, are more lightweight, cover a larger area, and provide far greater power than current technology. The findings from the six-year study, published in Acta Astronautica, could open the door to commercially viable solar farms in space. Researchers believe their findings prove that solar power satellites work and could be commercially viable, with funding opportunities available to further develop this technology.

Can Low-Cost Space Solar Panels Work?

  • The team used a combination of materials and technologies to create their space solar panel, including a flexible plastic substrate, a thin-film photovoltaic layer, and conductive silver electrodes.
  • The panels were able to withstand extreme temperatures, vacuum, and ultraviolet radiation in space, and the team found that they were more efficient than the current solar panels used on Earth.
  • Unlike traditional solar panels, these are made from an ultra-thin film that can be flexibly integrated into any shape, making them particularly useful for space applications.
  • The lightweight and large-area nature of the panels make them particularly useful for solar powered satellites, as they could generate more energy and be cheaper to manufacture and launch than traditional panels.
  • With further development, researchers believe that these space solar panels could become commercially viable, providing a new source of renewable energy.
  • The team's findings could also open the door to further research into space-based solar energy production, including the potential for solar-powered satellites and space solar farms.