Solarwatt to Shift Battery Production to China

May 28, 2024 12:16 PM ET
  • Solarwatt shifts production to China, closing Dresden factory. CEO cites economic reasons. Focus on energy solutions and seeking Asian production partner.

German solar module and battery manufacturer Solarwatt is shutting down its battery factory in Dresden, Germany, by the end of this year. The company will be moving all battery and solar panel production to China due to economic reasons. CEO Detlef Neuhaus stated that continued operation in Germany beyond 2024 is not feasible.

Around 170 out of 750 employees will be affected by the closure of module and battery production in Germany. Solarwatt plans to focus on complete solutions and energy management in the future, and is currently looking for a production partner for its new generation of products in Asia.

Why is Solarwatt shutting down its battery factory in Germany?

  • Solarwatt is shutting down its battery factory in Germany due to economic reasons, with CEO Detlef Neuhaus stating that continued operation in Germany beyond 2024 is not feasible.
  • The company will be moving all battery and solar panel production to China, leading to the closure of the Dresden factory by the end of this year.
  • Around 170 out of 750 employees will be affected by the closure of module and battery production in Germany.
  • Solarwatt plans to focus on complete solutions and energy management in the future, and is currently looking for a production partner for its new generation of products in Asia.

Solar Installers, Manufacturers