Renantis launches crowdfunder for Italian agrivoltaic site

Feb 22, 2023 03:07 PM ET
  • The campaign will finance part of the 32.6 MW project approximately Friuli Venezia Giulia
Renantis launches crowdfunder for Italian agrivoltaic site
Image: Renantis

Renantis, previously Falck Renewables, has actually launched a crowdfunding campaign to support the building of a agrivoltaic plant in the Italian area of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The campaign, targeted at financing part of the 32.6 MW agrivoltaic plant, imagines annual returns of 6.5% for the inhabitants of the municipalities of Terzo di Aquileia and also Cervignano del Friuli, that want to sign up with.

Renantis brings its sustainable technique to Friuli Venezia Giulia, by sharing the value generated by the plant to promote prevalent, suitable, as well as agriculture-related sustainability, in synergy with regional communities.

The plant will certainly combine the production of clean power with beekeeping and the planting of a variety of native plants under the photovoltaic panels, the setup of beehives and a polyphytic field, composed of numerous species of grasses.

The plant will certainly likewise consist of advanced innovation agricultural tools to make beekeeping activities extra efficient as well as sustainable.

The lending crowdfunding campaign will be developed with a remunerated loan, guaranteed by Renantis and not directly linked to the actual production of the plant

Via the Ener2Crowd platform it will certainly be possible for individuals to participate in the project with investment of in between EUR200 and EUR10,000.

Getting annual interest on the loan created 36 months, participants have the possibility of early exit and complete recuperation of the capital paid in, at the end of the period.

Giangiacomo Altobelli, Renantis' community manager in Italy, stated: "For over fifteen years, our Group has been successfully conducting efforts to share the value produced by our eco-friendly plants.

" In 2021 we launched our very first financing crowdfunding campaign in Sicily, in the province of Ragusa, with a high level of involvement from the local community.

" This new initiative in Friuli Venezia Giulia is more evidence of our sustainable commitment, which is based upon caring, both for the region and for the people who live around our facilities."

Lending crowdfunding is just one of the many campaigns implemented by Renantis to support the communities in which it operates.

Building work will start on the Terzo di Aquileia project in July 2023 over a 52-hectare site.

Forty five of those hectares will certainly be devoted to the manufacturing of renewable energy incorporated with agricultural activity.

As soon as in operation, the agrivoltaic project will generate around 50 GWh of power, equal to the yearly requirements of more than 16,500 homes.



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