Q Cells to introduce Q.Home energy storage at All Energy

Oct 22, 2019 08:39 PM ET
  • Q Cells will introduce its Q.Home hybrid inverter and battery system to the Australian market at the All-Energy event in Melbourne tomorrow. It is also introducing its new larger wafer module, which hits 355 Wp on a 60-cell format.
Q Cells to introduce Q.Home energy storage at All Energy
Image: Q Cells
A host of new solar soft-and-hardware is set to be released in Australia over the next two days, with All-Energy Australia taking place at the Melbourne Convention Centre. Korean-German manufacturer Hanwha Q Cells has been quick off the mark, announcing yesterday that it will introduce its latest module, which uses the larger M4 wafers, and its new residential storage system – the Q.Home.

The company has already introduced Q.Home to other parts of the world this year, but this week will be the first chance for Australian installers to check out the module manufacturer’s move into energy storage. Together with its proven modules, the Q.Home will provide installers with the opportunity to supply an Australian household with a complete system from one supplier.

“Q Cells views Q.Home as the future of energy – low carbon, clean electricity that is available when you need it,” said Q Cells’ Charles Kim. “Our experts will be on hand across both days at All-Energy Australia to answer all questions in relation to Q.Home.”

The Q.Home package is delivered via the Q Cells’ ESS HYB-G2 hybrid inverter unit. It couples power conversion with between 4 – 12 kWh of lithium ion batteries. Q.Home includes a monitoring system, to allow the homeowner to keep an eye on how much electricity is being produced, stored and consumed in the home. It has passive cooling, circumventing the need for fans – making it suitable for installation inside. It is capable of backup power supply – keeping the beer fridge running in the event of a blackout.

Alongside the Q.Home, Q Cells will present its new Q.Peak DUO BLK-G6+ module series. The module hits 355 W peak power output, covered by a 85% initial out warranty over 25 years warranty. An all-black version of the module, for aesthetically conscious homeowners, hits 345 Wp.

Keeping in touch with the latest trends in module technology, Q Cells is also presenting its DU BLK ML-G9 at All-Energy. The new module deploys gapless cell configuration, which allows 132 half cells to be integrated into the module – more than the standard 120 cells. By packing in more cells, the ML-G9 delivers up to 380 Wp power output, at a module efficiency of 20.2%.

“We are delighted to be attending this exhibition [All-Energy] to offer the opportunity to share in the excitement about our new products,“ said Kim. “We are keen to improve understanding of how this powerful new range will impact consumers’ day-to-day lives as they look to become more sustainable and energy independent.”