Panasonic Powers Up Windows: Perovskite Inkjet Printing

Oct 3, 2023 05:25 PM ET
  • Introducing the world's 2nd highest efficiency perovskite solar cell-infused power-generating glass by Panasonic in 2028. Test project already in place in Kanagawa prefecture, bring in the light while preserving visibility with this revolutionary material!
Panasonic Powers Up Windows: Perovskite Inkjet Printing

Panasonic Holdings has announced plans to roll out “power-generating glass” with thin layers of efficient perovskite solar cells incorporated into panes that remain transparent enough to use as windows by 2028. The cells feature a conversion efficiency of 17.9%, which is the world’s second-highest for a perovskite cell larger than 800 sq. centimeters. A test project has already been launched, installing the glass on the balcony of a model house in its smart-town project in Kanagawa prefecture. The cells combine the flexibility of perovskite inkjet printing technology from Panasonic that allows the material to be deposited evenly on a glass surface. As the cells are nearly black in color, applying the material to glass makes it harder to see through and lets in less light. Panasonic will consider details of the business model, such as whether to sell the cells as a building material or to take orders from materials suppliers to apply the perovskite to glass, and will also work to improve the durability of the perovskite.

Can Panasonic's Power-Generating Glass Create Energy?

  • Panasonic has announced plans to roll out transparent “power-generating glass” with efficient perovskite solar cells embedded into panes by 2028.
  • This glass features a conversion efficiency of 17.9%, which is the world’s second-highest for a perovskite cell larger than 800 sq. centimeters.
  • The cells are made with flexible perovskite inkjet printing technology and applied evenly on a glass surface, making them hard to see through and letting in less light.
  • A test project has already been launched, installing the glass on the balcony of a model house in a smart-town project in Kanagawa prefecture.
  • Panasonic is considering details of the business model, such as selling the cells as a building material or to take orders from materials suppliers to apply the perovskite to glass.
  • Panasonic is also working to improve the durability of the perovskite material.