Oxis Energy battery cells nearing aviation applications
- The English business states its modular solutions are due to go through flight screening in the U.S. and are 'three to five years' from commercial production for airplane.

British lithium-sulfur battery manufacturer Oxis Energy has actually informed pv magazine its modular solution will be all set for usage in airplane within 5 years.
Mark Crittenden, head of battery development and integration at the Oxford-based business said: “& ldquo; We anticipate the first-use as a business product in air travel to be within three to 5 years.”
& rdquo; The battery maker stated today its transport-oriented cells, which can be scaled up, have actually already been ground-tested in an aircraft system in the U.S. and are on track for flight screening.
The company said it is currently delivering cells with an energy density of 400 Wh/kg to customers in Europe, Japan and the U.S. and is closing in on more impressive efficiency.
Energy density
Chief executive Huw Hampson-Jones informed pv publication: “& ldquo; Oxis has actually currently attained 471 Wh/kg, is confident of attaining 500 Wh/kg in the next 12 months and with solid-state Li-S [lithium-sulfur], we think this can be encompassed 600 Wh/kg. By contrast, the highest energy density lithium ion cells that are commercially available are just over 250 Wh/kg.”
& rdquo; That 600 Wh turning point will take around 5 years, according to chief technical officer David Ainsworth, as it will need advancement of an all-solid state system, in line with the company’& rsquo; s production schedule.
In July 2015, Oxis told pv publication it was going for a rate of no more than $250/kWh for its products by this year and although it lacks that accomplishment, plans to increase production remain in train as part of the effort.
Cost decrease
Hampson-Jones stated: “& ldquo; Key to decreasing the costs of cells is the production scale-up. To that end, coupled with fulfilling the demand from our consumers, Oxis is currently increase lithium sulfur cell production through our facilities in Wales and Brazil, which will be online in 2021 and 2022, respectively. We prepare for, when Li-S reaches production volumes comparable to Li-ion, that costs will be lower than Li-ion.”
& rdquo; A representative for the business said the Welsh site, at Kenfig Hill, near Port Talbot in South Wales, would produce sufficient cathode and electrolyte to support the production of 500,000 cells, with space to broaden even more at the site. The Oxis production line south of Belo Horizonte, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, will have a 1.2 million cell annual capability, with the possibility of raising that figure to 5 million in three more stages as needed.
With the business’& rsquo; s scalable item aimed at electrical trucks and e-buses, in addition to aircraft, Crittenden informed pv publication there are likewise maritime applications.
“& ldquo; Dealing with the [U.K.] National Oceanography Centre, [Redditch, England-based harsh environment technology company] Steatite and [Plymouth, England-based submersible lorries firm] MSubs, Oxis showed our cells might hold up against pressures equivalent to a depth of 6,640 m without being compromised on stability,” & rdquo; stated the company & rsquo; s head of battery development.
“& ldquo; Due to the neutral buoyancy of the cells and battery, buoyancy foam can be minimized in the lorry, saving expense, weight and volume. MSubs has actually incorporated the battery to power a test vehicle provided by [Norwegian business] Deepbots AS called [the] Sperre Subfighter 7500, which is a ROV (remotely-operated undersea vehicle). These tests were performed on website at Sperre AS, [in] Nottoden, Norway.”
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