NV Energy and Google to create huge Nevada-based solar&storage system

Jan 10, 2020 04:44 PM ET
  • Google and Nevada’s NV Energy are planning a huge solar farm paired with battery storage. The array will be located not far from Las Vegas. The agreement is already referred to as the biggest solar+storage deal worldwide.
NV Energy and Google to create huge Nevada-based solar&storage system
Image: Christopher Bowns, Flickr

NV Energy submitted the proposed project to PUC of the state of Nevada through its branch last month. The plant is slated to become operational in the middle of the new year. It will supply electricity to one of data centers of Google. The DC is located in Nevada’s second largest city – Henderson, and is worth USD 600mn.

According to the information from S&P Global Platts, the facility is said to feature a power generation capacity of 350 megawatts, and an energy storage capacity of 250-280 megawatts. The full capacity of the solar+storage system is scheduled for commissioning in the end of 2023.

As soon as the array is ready to operate, the developer will be allowed to purchase excessive electricity from Google. Until then, the technology giant will be supplied with power either from other NV’s plants or from wholesale market at an appropriately indexed price. 

About a month ago, Public Utilities Commission approved NV Energy for three photovoltaic arrays with a total capacity exceeding one gigawatt. The power plants will be paired with a 590-megawatt energy storage system. International Quinbrook, French EDF Renewables, and LA-based 8minute have been selected as the project developers. The facilities are expected to come into operation in four years from now.