Norsk Solar Lights Up First Brazil Solar Site
Aug 15, 2023 11:28 AM ET
- Norsk Solar has launched the first of six 18MW solar plants in Brazil, with the remaining five to be completed in the next month. This is the first IPP project for Norsk Solar, a 25-year PPA with Órigo Energia, and is located in the state of Minas Gerais.

Norsk Solar has launched the first site of its 37-MW solar complex in Brazil. The 18-MW Origo 1 (Uberlandia 2) plant, located in the municipality of Uberlandia in the state of Minas Gerais, has been approved by local utility Cemig and has a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with distributed generation company Órigo Energia. The project was built in partnership with GDSolar and the other five sites are expected to be brought online in the next month. This complex is the first of three projects where Norsk Solar is acting as the sole independent power producer (IPP).
What Are Norsk Solar's Plans for Its 37-MW Solar Complex in Brazil?
- Norsk Solar's 37-MW solar complex will be divided across six sites in Uberlandia in the state of Minas Gerais.
- The first 18-MW Origo 1 (Uberlandia 2) plant is now operational and has a 25-year power purchase agreement with distributed generation company Órigo Energia.
- The other five sites are expected to be brought online in the next month.
- Norsk Solar is acting as the sole independent power producer (IPP) for this project.
- The solar complex is expected to produce enough energy to power more than 100,000 households in the region.
- The project is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 113,000 tons per year.
- Norsk Solar is also planning to build a 10 MW solar plant in the state of Bahia.
- The company is investing heavily in renewable energy in Brazil, with an estimated total investment of $300 million.
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