NextEra may set up more 2,700 MW of batteries in The golden state by 2024
Sep 2, 2020 06:59 PM ET
- US wholesale electrical power supplier NextEra Energy Resources has stated 700MW of acquired battery power storage space sources it will deploy California within two years could be adhered to by a more 2,000 MW pipeline of battery projects under growth in the state.

Authorization from the state's regulator, the general public Utilities Commission, has shown up for 523MW of projects currently introduced by the business and also granted by utilities Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison.
A more 175MW of utility awarded projects did not need CPUC authorization. All will certainly be deployed at six existing grid-scale solar power plants operated by NextEra Energy Resources. That 698MW of projects will be constructed by the end of the year 2022.
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