Neoenergia introduces 600-MW wind, solar complex in Brazil

Mar 23, 2023 12:22 PM ET
  • Brazilian energy company Neoenergia SA (BVMF: NEOE3) launched on Wednesday its very first renewable resource hybrid complex in Brazil, combining wind and also solar plants with an overall capacity of concerning 600 MW.
Neoenergia introduces 600-MW wind, solar complex in Brazil
Image: Neoenergia

Found in the northeastern state of Paraiba, the Neoenergia Renewable Energy Complex integrates the 471.2-MW Chafariz wind park as well as the 149.2-MWp Neonergia Luzia solar plant attached to the exact same substation and also transmission line.

The complete investment total up to around BRL 3.5 billion (USD 665.94 m/EUR 617.46 m). The new complex is capable of producing enough tidy power to fulfill the need of 1.3 million homes each year.

The ceremony for the launch of the complex was participated in by Brazil's president Lula da Silva and Ignacio Galan, chairman of Neoenergia's moms and dad, Spanish electrical utility Iberdrola SA (BME: IBE). During the event, Iberdrola dedicated to investing BRL 30 billion in Brazil over the following three years in electricity networks and renewable energy projects, including offshore wind as well as green hydrogen.