Neoen Launches 440MWp Solar Farm in NSW
- Neoen has announced the construction of the 440MWp Culcairn Solar Farm, expected to create over 400 jobs and power 160,000 homes. Neoen has also secured a Long-Term Energy Services Agreement with the NSW government to help achieve its net zero emissions target.
Neoen, a global renewable energy provider, has announced the commencement of construction on the 440MWp Culcairn Solar Farm located in New South Wales. The project is expected to employ over 400 people during construction and seven permanent positions once it starts operating. The solar farm is expected to generate enough energy to power 160,000 homes and includes the option to incorporate a 100MW battery at a future date. Neoen has also been awarded a Long-Term Energy Services Agreement (LTESA) under the NSW government’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, designed to enable the state to achieve its target of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Neoen intends to contract the majority of the electricity generated via PPAs. The development of the Culcairn Solar Farm will be complemented by a program totalling AUD$10m over the life of the asset, to benefit the local community.
What Benefits Does Neoen's Culcairn Solar Farm Bring?
- The Culcairn Solar Farm will provide clean energy with no emissions, significantly reducing New South Wales’s carbon footprint.
- The project is expected to create over 400 jobs during construction and seven permanent positions once the farm starts operating, providing a boost to the local economy.
- The solar farm will be capable of generating enough energy to power 160,000 homes, improving the security of New South Wales’s energy supply.
- Neoen has been awarded a Long-Term Energy Services Agreement (LTESA) under the NSW government’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, meaning the project will be eligible for government subsidies, making it more affordable for consumers.
- Neoen has a plan to contract the majority of the electricity generated via PPAs, providing a secure source of income for the solar farm.
- Neoen has committed to a program of AUD$10 million over the life of the asset to benefit the local community.
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