National Grid Launches 128-MW Solar Park in South Dakota

Jun 26, 2024 01:31 PM ET
  • National Grid Renewables launches South Dakota's largest solar park, Wild Springs, set to power 37,000 homes and bring $29.5 million in economic impact over 20 years.
National Grid Launches 128-MW Solar Park in South Dakota

National Grid Renewables has launched the 128-MW Wild Springs solar park in South Dakota, the largest in the state, which will generate electricity for a regional electric cooperative. The project is expected to provide about USD 29.5 million in direct economic impact over the first 20 years of operation. Located in Pennington County, the park is equipped with First Solar's Series 6 thin-film modules and is estimated to generate enough electricity for about 37,000 homes.

The Wild Springs park will be operated under a power purchase agreement with Basin Electric Power Cooperative, covering 114 MW of its total capacity. Construction of the solar park began last summer, with Minnesota-based Ames Construction serving as the building contractor. National Grid Renewables is a unit of British energy transmission and distribution company National Grid plc.

What is the economic impact of National Grid Renewables' Wild Springs solar park?

  • The Wild Springs solar park is expected to provide about USD 29.5 million in direct economic impact over the first 20 years of operation.
  • The project will generate electricity for a regional electric cooperative, benefiting the local community.
  • The park is equipped with First Solar's Series 6 thin-film modules, showcasing the latest technology in solar energy.
  • The power purchase agreement with Basin Electric Power Cooperative covers 114 MW of the park's total capacity, ensuring a steady source of revenue for National Grid Renewables.
  • Construction of the solar park was carried out by Minnesota-based Ames Construction, creating job opportunities and stimulating the local economy.
  • National Grid Renewables, a unit of British energy transmission and distribution company National Grid plc, is leading the way in renewable energy development in South Dakota.