Innovative luminescent film to make a solar cell more efficient

Jan 28, 2020 04:04 PM ET
  • A group of scientists from China has created an EVA film claimed to improve efficiency of solar devices by about 0.5 percent. This newly developed pure film converts ultraviolet radiation into visible light.
Innovative luminescent film to make a solar cell more efficient
Image: Bru-nO/Pixabay

A scientific team from Chinese HEBUT has created a luminescent EVA film which is expected to increase polysilicon cell conversion rate by 0.51 percent.

According to the researchers, the new material is characterized by high photo stability. It has been tested subject to light influence during 500 hours, and its luminescent properties have not degraded.

Improved efficiency

In the course of experiment, a poly-Si cell with a 110 sq cm photoactive area has been coated with the innovative Eu(ND)4CTAC/EVA film.

The research team has analyzed electrical characteristics of copolymer films with different complex concentrations and concluded that the maximum improvement achieved is a cell performance increase up to 15.57 percent compared to 15.06 percent. 

Thermal stability

Besides, the novel ethylene/vinyl acetate material demonstrates superb thermal stability. The film has been exposed to ultraviolet light at the temp 30 degrees Centigrade during 500 hours, and has kept its luminescent properties unchanged. 
