Indian scientists are developing unique VRFB
- OPG and IITD collaborate to conduct a joint research and development of vanadium redox flow batteries. The project is financed by Indian Science & Technology Department.

The researchers are working to develop medium- and small-scale batteries vital for satisfying Indian electricity needs. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is responsible for designing and developing the battery. As for OPG, its experts are developing a BMS. The scientists are creating a unique device corresponding to the Saubhagya Scheme’s requirements for home lighting systems.
The new device will combine the efficiency of batts with independent storage capacity of fuel cells. The working principle of a vanadium flow batt is based on vanadium ion content electrolyte movement through the batt converting electrical energy into chemical one and conversely.
Vanadium redox batteries are expected to be powerful enough for utility-scale energy storage. But for India, consisting of many isolated settlements, it is more crucial to store and utilize clean power on a medium and small scale.
OKAYA Power is supporting India’s goal to install 175 gigawatts of green power in two years. The targeted value includes 100 gigawatts of solar generating capacity.
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