High wind, solar PV output push Spain's renewables share to 54% in May
- Power plants in Spain created 54% of their electrical energy from clean as well as eco-friendly sources in May, Spanish grid operator Red Electrica de Espana (REE) stated in its estimates report for the month.

In April, the share of renewables in Spain's overall power production was 52.1%.
Renewables created 11,593 GWh of electricity in May, up by 4.8% year-on-year, according to REE's estimates.
Wind ranches have been the most productive power plants in Spain for 7 months in a row. Their combined output in May reached 5,441 GWh in May, which accounted for 25.4% of the complete power generation.
For the first time, solar photovoltaic or pv plants ranked the second-top electrical power manufacturer in the country. With an 18.1% share of the power mix as well as record generation, solar PV gone beyond in output nuclear and also combined-cycle gas plants.
Even more information on major power manufacturing modern technologies in Spain adhere to in the table listed below:
Spain's gross demand for electrical energy dropped by 6.3% year-on-year to approximated 19,026 GWh in May. In adjusted terms, need declined by 4.6% on the year.
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