Germany Sees Waning Interest in Current Tender For 609 MW of Solar Projects

Dec 9, 2022 12:01 PM ET
  • The most recent tender bidding for ground-mounted solar projects in Germany, awarded 609 MW of solar energy.

Just 117 propositions, with an integrated capacity of 677 MW, were sent by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) by the due date of November 1 for an allocation of 890 MW for solar parks that are ground-mounted nor solar plants on structural systems that are neither buildings nor noise obstacles. According to the regulatory authority, of these, 104 proposals amounting to 609 MW were accepted, while 13 projects were rejected.

Only 109 projects totaling 696 MW were picked from the 1,126 MW objective in the previous round of tenders, which was likewise undersubscribed. The Federal Network Agency again blamed the substantial rise in the offered capacity to more than 3,000 MW in 2022 from 1,850 MW last year for the decreased passion in the auction.

One of the most current round's winners will certainly be offered set premiums ranging from EUR 0.052 (USD 0.055) to EUR 0.059 per kWh. From EUR 0.0551 per kWh in the June round, the volume-weighted average boosted to EUR 0.058 in this round.

Similar to the previous request, the majority of the capacity, or 307 MW, was allocated to 60 projects in the southern state of Bavaria, whose bids were one of the most successful. Baden-Wuerttemberg came in second with 13 projects totaling 67 MW, followed by Brandenburg with seven successful bids totaling 66 MW.

Another one of Germany's huge scale tenders stayed undersubscribed in June. While the tender was for over 1 GW, the bids stood at simply 714 MW, of which under 700 MW was approved.

Earlier, Germany recommended to support India's power change projects with EUR1 billion in backing. The projects are to be carried out around the country under a reciprocal collaboration between the two nations on green and sustainable development.