German PV developer Athos starts a 40MWp dotation-free solar project in Spain

Nov 8, 2019 05:20 PM ET
  • A new supplier from abroad enters Spain with an unsponsored photovoltaic project, debuting on a vigorous large-scale solar stage of an ever sunny South of Europe.
German PV developer Athos starts a 40MWp dotation-free solar project in Spain
Image credit: Jaime González / Flickr

On November 6, Athos Solar GmbH reported of the launch of 40 Mega Watt peak subsidy-free green power project in Castilla-La Mancha. 

Germany-based PV manufacturer informs that the construction started last month and it estimated to last about half a year. 

The system consists of over 100,000 modules. It is planned to tie the plant to the grid in spring 2020. The predicted annual capacity is 80 Gigawatt hours. 

The solar generator will comprise monocrystalline panels and single-axis tracking systems. It is supposed to be connected to power grid by means of a 132-kilovolt transforming plant, with a plan to shift to a 400-kilovolt one in future. 

Athos was established ten years ago. Throughout its existence, the firm has implemented solar projects with total capacity of 150 Megawatts in its native land and Great Britain. So, this will be the outfit’s first Spanish solution at the same time being the first subsidy-less project. 

Political issues impact on Spain's solar development

The German PV supplier’s first venture in Spain will probably become one of quite a few potential projects. They mention the forthcoming photovoltaic projects are being discussed. 

The Heidelberg-headquartered business believes in Spain’s long-range goals regarding alternative energy, among them the ambition to achieve a 100% renewable power production in thirty years. 

The targets include installation of 37 gigawatts solar plants in ten years as well as support to own consumption. However, the above aspirations are prevented by the political issues. 

More and more foreign solar suppliers give up governmental incentive programs lately.