France to fund innovative off-grid renewables projects in Africa
Sep 24, 2019 08:02 PM ET
- The French development agency and the environment ministry have a €1.6 million budget to finance novel off-grid projects from companies and NGOs operating with local partners in Africa.
French development agency the Agence Française de Développement has offered €1.6 million to businesses and NGOs to fund novel off-grid energy projects in Africa to provide sustainable heating and cooling as well as electricity.
The organization, together with the French Environment & Energy Management Agency will finance a dozen projects that innovate in some manner and provide environmentally sustainable development in Africa.
It is the second time a call for projects has been launched. In 2017, some 100 projects were submitted and nine supported for a total investment of €5.8 million and public support amounting to €1.8 million.
Among the previous winners were hybrid solar plants, river turbines and off-grid electrical infrastructure. Other projects proposing innovative uses of electricity were also selected, including improved irrigation, agriculture, desalination and mobility systems as well as new energy billing schemes such as pay-as-you-go and leasing options.
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