France opens up bidding process in 700-MW tender for utility-scale PV

Feb 22, 2021 02:27 PM ET
  • A tender targeting to contract 700 MWp of large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects has been introduced in France, with the opportunity to upsize the supplied quantity to 1,000 MW.
France opens up bidding process in 700-MW tender for utility-scale PV
Image: Neoen

The affordable round was opened recently by France's energy regulatory authority CRE as well as represents the 10th require utility-scale installments larger than 500 kW under its solar (PV) programme. Interested celebrations will be able to send applications by June 25, 2021.

The purchase is being held in three different groups, depending on the project dimension. Around 450 MW of ability is prepared to be granted to ground-mounted projects going beyond 5 MW in size, while 180 MW will be designated to schemes with a mounted capacity of between 500 kW and also 5 MW. The last category is open to projects on car park tones ranging between 500 kW and also 10 MW and targets a total of 70 MW.

Supplied that the variety of qualified projects goes beyond the originally introduced tender quantity, the capability on offer in each group may be boosted to 650 MW, 250 MW and also 100 MW, specifically, in a bid to get to 1,000 MW, CRE said.

In line with lately adopted laws, solar projects granted in tenders have to have a carbon footprint that does not surpass a particular kilo limitation of carbon dioxide (CO2) discharges per kWh. Schemes using low-carbon discharge PV modules will certainly be offered top priority.

In the nine utility-scale tender round, France selected 452 MWp of solar projects in those groups versus a targeted volume of 680 MWp.