Fosse Green Energy: Windel Seeks Views

Sep 12, 2023 02:09 PM ET
  • Windel Energy is running a consultation for Fosse Green Energy: a 350MWdc solar and energy storage park in Lincolnshire, England, capable of powering 110,000 homes. Local community feedback is invited from 11 September to 20 October 2023. Suggestions are also sought for community schemes, biodiversity net gain and future developments.
Fosse Green Energy: Windel Seeks Views

Windel Energy is running a consultation for Fosse Green Energy, a 350MWdc solar and energy storage park in Lincolnshire, England. It could provide enough clean energy to power in the region of 110,000 homes. The proposed site is located to the north and south of the A46, made up of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery energy storage areas. It will be connected to the grid via a substation, which National Grid is in the process of exploring locations for. There will be two stages of consultation to gather feedback from stakeholders and help shape plans for Fosse Green Energy. The first stage of consultation is running from 11 September to 20 October 2023. Windel Energy is looking for feedback from the local community and suggestions of community schemes or projects to be a part of. It is also looking for ideas on how to deliver biodiversity net gain.

What Feedback is Windel Energy Seeking for Fosse Green Energy?

  • Feedback on the design of the Fosse Green Energy park
  • Ideas on how to best manage noise, light and wildlife
  • Suggestions on how to maximize the visual, economic and social benefits for the local area
  • Suggestions for potential community benefit schemes and projects
  • Comments on how to ensure biodiversity gains and offset any losses
  • Ideas on how to engage with local schools, businesses, and community groups
  • Recommendations on how to reduce the energy transition's impact on local wildlife
  • Ideas on how to make the transition to a clean energy future more accessible to all local residents