Ford unveils 2.2-MW solar expansion project at Spanish factory

Jan 17, 2023 02:02 PM ET
  • US automobile group Ford Electric motor Co (NYSE: F) plans to increase the solar park powering its manufacturing centers in Valencia, Spain, to 5 MW as part of its efforts to become carbon neutral across its European procedures by 2035.
Ford unveils 2.2-MW solar expansion project at Spanish factory
Image: Ford Motor

The auto significant will mount a 2.2-MW solar (PV) plant as an expansion to a 2.8-MW park that is already supplying its Almussafes vehicle production center. The project will certainly be performed under a bigger strategy that imagines near 10 MW of solar PV capacity to come to be functional by 2024 at the site, Ford stated on Tuesday.

Currently, the solar farm generates roughly 4,640 MWh of power every year. For the expansion, Ford will certainly use non-productive land areas as well as add even more capacity to create a further 3,760 MWh per year.

The Almussafes factory has actually been running on renewable electrical energy just since the start of 2022. Ford is also examining the capacity for setting up PV arrays atop manufacturing facility buildings.

The carmaker is targeting 100% carbon-free electrical power use worldwide by 2035. Its European manufacturing facilities are currently provided solely with renewables-sourced power.