First Togolese utility-scale PV plants are on the way

Jan 14, 2020 01:01 PM ET
  • The tender launched according to Scaling Solar program is for deployment of solar farms with a total capacity of 60-80 megawatts.
First Togolese utility-scale PV plants are on the way

Togo’s AT2ER invites bidders to submit applications for prequalification for development and construction of photovoltaic systems totaling up to 80-megawatt capacity. Deadline for prequalifying is the 30th of March, 2020.

The installations will be located in the central and Kara regions of Togo. These will be the 1st large-scale PV arrays in the republic. As of the turn of the year 2018/19, there was only 3 megawatts of solar generating capacity installed in the Western African state. The country often suffers from electricity shortage, with the power accessible to only 28 percent of the nation’s 7.5-mn population.

The auction is being held within the framework of Scaling Solar program by the World Bank. The one-stop store scheme is meant to support privately-funded PV systems tied to the grid. The projects are provided with development assistance as well as all kinds of analytical support. The Togolese Republic joined the initiative half a year ago. 
