EU Urged to Stop Solar Energy Waste and Encourage PV Investment

Aug 2, 2023 03:33 PM ET
  • Solar energy is expected to reach record levels this summer in Europe, but the EU must take steps to ensure photovoltaic investment and prevent solar power curtailment. Suggested measures include accelerating permitting on electric grids, promoting hybrid projects and cost-sharing by fossil generators.

Europe is on track to generate record levels of solar power in the coming summer months, according to renewable energy groups. However, they have called on the EU to take steps to encourage photovoltaic energy use, citing price volatility that could deter investment. This includes limiting curtailment of solar power, accelerating permitting on electric grids and promoting hybrid projects. Additionally, cost-sharing by fossil generators could help to deal with negative pricing. These measures would help ensure that solar energy is not wasted and that investments in new solar photovoltaic assets are encouraged.

How Can EU Encourage Solar Power Use?

  • Introduce government subsidies for solar photovoltaics that lower the initial costs of installation.
  • Introduce a feed-in-tariff that guarantees a fixed price for the sale of electricity generated from solar photovoltaics.
  • Expand the use of net metering, which enables solar photovoltaic owners to sell excess electricity they generate and store back to the utility company.
  • Offer tax credits or other incentives to reduce the cost of purchasing and installing solar photovoltaics.
  • Mandate solar photovoltaics for new construction of homes and businesses.
  • Establish a renewable portfolio standard that requires utility companies to generate a minimum percentage of their electricity from solar photovoltaics.
  • Create zoning regulations that enable businesses and homeowners to install solar photovoltaics.
  • Implement solar leasing programs that allow businesses to lease solar photovoltaic systems instead of purchasing them outright.
  • Encourage public-private partnerships and investments in research and development in solar photovoltaics.
  • Make solar photovoltaics a priority in energy policies and ensure that countries and utilities incorporate it into their long-term planning.