Enora and 547 Energy Secure 135 MW Wind Energy Systems in Greece

Dec 21, 2019 03:45 PM ET
  • 547 Energy partners with Enora to secure a 20 year old contract for the building of a 135 MW Wind Energy to be sites at Central Mecedonia.
Enora and 547 Energy Secure 135 MW Wind Energy Systems in Greece
Image: saurenergy.com

Enora and 547 Energy have gotten into a partnership and the RAE award in Greece. This would give them a 20-year long PPA for 135 mega wats of wind energy systems in Central Macedonia. 547 Energy is an affiliate of Quantum Energy Partners that deals with clean energy. The company recently announced these new projects. Enora, on the other hand, is an affiliate of Enteka, the leading corporation for renewable energy in Greece. Most people may not be aware that Enora is a subsidiary of Enteka that was founded more than 30 years ago, 1984 precisely.

The development director at Enteka, Panagiotis Papastamatiou, said that his company has maintained a strong business relationship with 547 Energy. He further added that both companies will combine their experience, construction, development and planning to ensure the success of the 135 mega wats wind project. These projects will promote the effort Greece is making to meet climate and energy targets in 2030. 

A few months ago, Enel announced that its power subsidiary will be connected to the power grid in its farming complex at Kafireas. The wind farm complex, Kafireas, is the biggest wind farm in Greece. It has a capacity of over 154 megawatts. It is in Karystos and has bagged over 300 million euros in investment. With these major energy initiatives popping up in Greece, the country will most likely meet its 2030 energy initiatives.