ENGIE Storage to deploy solar-plus-storage portfolio in Massachusetts
Jul 31, 2019 06:52 PM ET

ENGIE Storage will supply and operate a 19 MW / 38 MWh portfolio of six energy storage sites that will contribute to the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target Program and be active in ISO-New England wholesale markets.
This combined solar and storage pipeline, which is developed and operated by New York-based private equity firm Syncarpha Capital, is the first utility-scale solar plus storage offering to benefit from ENGIE’s new integrated development, supply and services offering for wholesale market integration.
ENGIE Storage will provide Syncarpha with a complete, turn-key GridSynergy hardware and software solution, and will operate the storage system for 20 years. In addition, a Market Participation Agreement signed for each of the six storage sites will see ENGIE Storage pay fees in exchange for the rights to operate the solar and energy storage system in the ISO-NE wholesale capacity, reserves, and frequency regulation markets.
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