EnBW payments 300 MW solar duo in Germany
- German energy firm EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG (ETR: EBK) is slowly putting into procedure two subsidy-free solar parks in the state of Brandenburg with a combined result of 300 MW which will provide around 90,000 houses with green electricity.

The Gottesgabe park began generating green power in mid-February while the Altrebbin plant has actually simply created its first kilowatt-hours. The complete commissioning of both parks will certainly be finished by the end of March, EnBW stated on Thursday.
The two parks, each efficient in generating around 150 MW, contain 700,000 bifacial solar modules. Each of the sites has a battery storage system of 3.9 MWh which will certainly store the energy to cover the requirements of its very own transformer terminals and also inverters in the evening. The electricity from both centers is fed into the high voltage grid taken care of by grid operator E.DIS near Metzdorf, Brandenburg.
The two projects lie close to EnBW's Weesow-Willmersdorf solar site as well as together develop a solar collection of practically 500 MW near the resources Berlin.
"With the two solar parks, we are expanding the output of all solar projects know in Germany last year by five percent in one go," stated Thorsten Joerss, Head of Project Growth Photovoltaics at EnBW.
The completion of the two solar parks, planned for the end of 2021, was delayed as a result of the impact of the international supply shortages, the coronavirus pandemic and the floodings in Europe.
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