Elera Supplies 120 MWp to Rio Utility

Sep 25, 2023 01:37 PM ET
  • Elera Renovaveis ​will provide 120 MWp of solar power to Rio de Janeiro's water and sewerage utility from the Janauba PV complex. With reliable technical, operational and maintenance services, the project will meet the energy needs of 1 million inhabitants.
Elera Supplies 120 MWp to Rio Utility

Elera will also provide technical, operational and maintenance services for the PV complex.

Brazilian renewable energy company Elera Renovaveis ​has announced it will provide 120 MWp of solar power to Rio de Janeiro's water and sewerage utility Aguas do Rio from the Janauba solar park located in Minas Gerais. This is the largest PV complex in Brazil and will meet the demands of 1 million inhabitants. The supply agreement will become effective from 2024 onwards, covering 75% of Aguas do Rio's electricity consumption. Elera will also provide technical, operational and maintenance services for the PV complex.

What Services Will Elera Provide for the Janauba Solar Park?

  • Provide 120 MWp of solar power to Aguas do Rio
  • Provide electricity to 1 million inhabitants
  • Supply agreement will become effective from 2024 onwards
  • Cover 75% of Aguas do Rio's electricity consumption
  • Provide technical services for the PV complex
  • Provide operational services for the PV complex
  • Provide maintenance services for the PV complex