Consortium gets funding for offshore PV platform

Nov 22, 2022 04:52 PM ET
  • The Dutch "Merganser" consortium is obtaining project funding of EUR 7.8 million ($ 8.1 million) from the economic growth firm RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) to create, test as well as assess its offshore photovoltaic platform.

The consortium consists of the firm SolarDuck as well as study partners TNO, Deltares, MARIN and also Delft University of Technology.

The joint project's purpose is to test the Merganser platform under extreme problems. The units, each with 500 kilowatts of mounted capability, can be linked together to form larger systems. In July, SolarDuck had actually agreed on a teamwork with German power firm RWE, the goal of which is to set up 5 megawatts of power on Merganser platforms in an RWE offshore wind farm.
