Comerc to acquire 28.5-MWp of solar DG power in Brazil
May 24, 2022 12:00 PM ET
- Brazilian power trading firm Comerc Participacoes SA (B3: COMR3) introduced on Monday that it has signed an agreement to acquire 28.5 MWp of solar distributed generation (DG) plants in the state of Minas Gerais.

It said it had made the BRL-200-million (USD 41.3 m/EUR 38.7 m) offer through subsidiary Ares 2 Participacoes SA with selling parties Brazilian investment bank Banco BTG Pactual SA (BMVF: BPAC11) and US-based renewables developer Energea Global LLC.
Under the agreement, Comerc is set to acquire all shares of a special purpose entity that will possess the funding of four automobiles that hold the solar DG capacity.
The nuclear power plant covered by the agreement are in final stages of building, Comerc said.
The transaction calls for approval by Brazilian antitrust regulator CADE.
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