Chile's renewables share declines to 35% in April

May 31, 2023 07:34 AM ET
  • Chile's non-conventional renewables produced 2,328 GWh gross of electrical energy in April, down by 12.7% month-on-month, Chilean national energy commission CNE said in its most current report on the sector.
Chile's renewables share declines to 35% in April

When compared to April 2022, renewable power production increased by 11%.

The share of non-conventional renewables in Chile's total power production in April was 35.0%, gliding below 36.8% in March, CNE's report claims.

Traditional source of power created 4,320 GWh gross, down by 5.7% month-on-month and a 5.5% decrease compared to the year-ago period.

More information on the renewables result adhere to in the table listed below:

Source: Gross production in GWh: month-on-month change: year-on-year change: Share in April:
Biomass 196 4.2% 10.5% 8.4%
Wind 643 -8.8% -5.0% 27.6%
Solar PV 1,340 -15.5% 29.3% 57.6%
Solar CSP 11 -56% -75.1% 0.45%
Run-of-river hydro 107 -17.3% -13.8% 4.6%
Geothermal 32 -5.8% -17.5% 1.4%

The overall web set up non-conventional renewable energy capacity in Chile rose to 12,725 MW in April from 12,176 MW as videotaped in March. Since CNE's newest report, non-conventional renewable comprise 39.9% of the overall web set up generation capacity in Chile.