Chile's renewables share drops to 35.7% in Nov

Dec 26, 2022 04:31 PM ET
  • Chile's non-conventional renewables created 35.7% of the nation's electricity in November, reads the most up to date report on the field from Chilean power commission CNE.
Chile's renewables share drops to 35.7% in Nov
Image: Engie Chile on Twitter

Renewable power manufacturing fell by 4.1% month-on-month to 2,420 GWh gross in November, and increased by just 0.7% compared to the same period last year.

In October, the share of non-conventional renewables in total power production was 37.5%.

Production figures for each renewables innovation are presented in the table:

Source: Gross production in GWh: month-on-month change: year-on-year change: Share in November:
Biomass 129 5.4% -17.4% 5.3%
Wind 609 -21.6% -19.6% 25.2%
Solar PV 1,441 7.2% 14.9% 59.5%
Solar CSP 1 -97.5% -98.2% 0.03%
Small run-of-river hydro 207 -4.2% 22.9% 8.5%
Geothermal 34 -8.1% 33.5% 1.4%

The complete net set up non-conventional renewable resource capacity in Chile got to 11,082 MW in November, up from 11,071 MW in October.