Save Planet Earth? Celestial Green Ventures PLC

Celestial Green Ventures PLC - The planet is rapidly changing at the rate of which it’s spinning on its axis, thanks to global warming and climate change. Rising sea levels and changing weather patterns could lead to flooding around the world and endanger food production. To prevent a future in which important ecosystems and the global climate suffer irreparable harm, countries must take strong measures. But what can corporations and individuals do to take charge? Although the scope of the problems affecting our globe might seem overwhelming, we can all take action. These 5 ways can help you lessen your effect and contribute to saving the planet.
Reduce Energy Consumption
Almost every product we use in this day and age requires energy and it is highly important to be mindful of its consumption. Simple acts such as shutting down your computers, turning off the lights, and turning off all appliances at the end of day can go a long way in reducing energy consumption. You can go an extra mile by switching to LED bulbs as they are the most energy efficient lighting option. In comparison to incandescent bulbs, LED lights consume 75% less power (Energy Star). Additionally, they don't contain mercury and last around 25 times as long as conventional incandescent lights (DoE).
Offset Emissions With Carbon Credits - Celestial Green Ventures PLC
There are ways to reduce carbon emissions and balance net emissions. Two of such solutions are carbon credits and carbon offsets. But what are carbon credits and carbon offsets? Both carbon credits and carbon offsets reflect a specific amount of carbon dioxide being released into the environment. However, carbon offsets reflect the creation of a certain amount of renewable energy to balance off the use of fossil fuels, whereas carbon credits represent the right to release that carbon. Carbon offsets are used by energy companies as a way to combat climate change and work toward a more environmentally friendly future for the earth. Thus, purchasing carbon offsets enables environmentally conscious customers to support businesses and initiatives that reflect their beliefs. Because carbon offset initiatives typically focus on less expensive emissions reduction schemes, they are frequently also more inexpensive than comparable programmes.
Choose Sustainable Energy
The term "sustainable energy" refers to energy sources like wind and solar energy that are continuously and organically regenerated. It is frequently derived from renewable energy sources, and the most important aspect of these energy resources is that they do not affect the environment by emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Unlike fossil fuels, the primary criteria for an energy type to be considered green energy is that the resource must not produce pollution. Therefore, green energy sources are usually naturally replenished, as opposed to fossil fuels such as natural gas or coal, which can take millions of years to create. There are as many as six different ways of how green energy is harnessed – solar and wind power are considered as the main sources, while hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass, and biofuels, follow closely.
Give Up Plastics
It is true that plastics are encroaching on the world. The island of floating plastic debris in the Pacific Ocean currently covers 1.6 million km2. Reducing the use of plastics necessitates both a change in behaviours and a shift in perspective. One of the ways in which one can combat the plastic problem is by falling back on basics, the 3 “R’s”. The three "Rs" stand for "reduce, reuse, and recycle" when discussing garbage. Reducing means minimising the quantity of garbage that we produce. In order to avoid throwing things away, we may reuse goods by finding new uses for them. Recycling is the process of turning garbage into fresh goods that may be resold. Along with applying this basic technique to curb plastic usage, another R can be added to the mix, “refuse”. Refusing to use plastic at all costs can slowly take us to a better, plastic-free planet.
Reduce Carbon Footprint - Celestial Green Ventures PLC
The entire quantity of greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacture, use, and disposal of a good or service is its "carbon footprint." It consists of gases including fluorinated gases, methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide, which trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Carbon dioxide is the gas that people release most often. The main sources of a person's carbon footprint are often their transportation, housing, and food. Essentially, the carbon footprint of every individual can be calculated using approximately how many miles they travel by car, bus, train and plane, energy usage at home, and the composition of their diet. Therefore, the way to reduce carbon footprint is to use more public transport, curb energy consumption, and choose to eat local produce.
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