Brazil's Northeast strikes new solar record of 561 MWa
Apr 9, 2021 02:50 PM ET
- Solar farms in the Brazilian Northeast have actually registered a brand-new regional solar generation record of 561 typical megawatts (MWa) on April 6.

The quantity generated by solar (PV) farms made up 4.9% of the area's demand when the record was set, the National Electric System Driver (ONS) revealed on Thursday.
This is the very first time the area damaged its solar generation record this month. The Northeast registered its previous record on March 24, with 555 MWa created.
When it involves peak solar generation throughout the day, the last record was also signed up on March 24 at 1,587 MW, according to information from ONS.
Generally, ONS estimates that Brazilian solar plants will be able to produce enough power to account for 2.3% of the country's entire electric mix by end-2021.
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