Brazil's Elera Renovaveis inaugurates 360-MWp solar complex
- Brazilian renewable energy company Elera Renovaveis announced on Thursday that it has inaugurated a 360-MWp solar power complex in Ceara state.

Named Complexo Solar Alex, the photovoltaic (PV) plant required an investment of BRL 950 million (USD 183.2m/EUR 154.6m). It covers an area of over 830 hectares (2,051 acres) between the municipalities of Limoeiro do Norte and Tabuleiro do Norte.
Consisting of nine PV parks with a total of 810,000 solar panels, the complex is capable of generating enough power to meet the consumption of 970,000 local homes and offset 1.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2).
Elera Renovaveis, the local arm of Brookfield Asset Management Inc (TSE:BAM.A), has also invested BRL 4.8 million in local ESG initiatives, including a rooftop solar array that will supply 100% of the monthly electricity consumption of the Filantropico Celestina Colares Hospital, in Tabuleiro do Norte.
At present, the company plans to invest nearly BRL 4 billion in new hydro, wind and solar projects by 2023, with around 1.6 GW of installed capacity currently under construction.
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