Brazil connects 464.6 MW of renewables in Feb 2022
- Renewable energy plants with a combined capacity of 464.57 MW were provided permits to start procedures in Brazil in February 2022, power sector regulatory authority Aneel announced on Thursday.

Wind farms represent the largest portion with some 346.57 MW of the renewables linked to the grid last month, while solar parks and little hydropower plants contributed 100 MW as well as 18 MW, respectively.
According to data from the power sector guard dog, wind farms now make up 11.70% of Brazil's complete mounted capacity, while solar represents 2.57%. Hydroelectric plants are still the biggest producers of lasting power in the nation as well as represent over half of the mounted capacity.
Brazil started the month of March with 182,377.7 MW of authorised power. As much as 83% of the overall is generated from lasting and low-emission resources. On the whole, Aneel plans to allow some 7,625.08 MW of new capacity to browse the web this year, the agency added.
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