Biden Boosts Solar: New Rules Proposed
- The Biden Administration has proposed modernizing solar permitting rules on federal lands to accelerate environmental reviews & encourage early public engagement, reducing delays & pollution in underserved communities - part of the President’s Permitting Reform Agenda.
The Biden Administration has proposed new rules for solar permitting on federal lands that will modernize and accelerate environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The proposed rule, issued by the White House Council on Environmental Quality, will also encourage early community engagement and strengthen energy security while advancing environmental justice. This proposed rule is a key element of President Biden’s permitting reform agenda which will build upon efficiencies directed by Congress under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. The proposed rule will reduce delays in solar and transmission projects on federal lands, while providing local buy-in through meaningful public engagement. The White House is confident that this rule will help speed the build-out of the clean energy future, and reduce pollution and harms in underserved communities.
How Will Biden's Solar Permitting Rule Accelerate Environmental Reviews?
- The proposed rule will reduce the time needed to review and permit applications for solar and transmission projects on federal lands.
- The proposed rule will require early public engagement and meaningful public involvement in the permitting process.
- The rule will help to promote energy security and reduce pollution and harms in underserved communities.
- The rule will require additional environmental review studies to ensure that projects are designed and constructed in a way that minimizes their environmental impacts.
- The rule will also provide financial incentives for developers to invest in solar projects on federal lands, with the goal of creating jobs and supporting clean energy development.
- The rule will require that developers take into account the impacts of climate change when considering new projects on federal lands
- The proposed rule will create a streamlined permitting process for solar and transmission projects, creating efficiencies and reducing delays.
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