Australia passes 25GW of set up PV

Feb 15, 2022 03:50 PM ET
  • Australia has actually hit a historic milestone-- it has gotten to 25GW of set up solar capacity. As the Australian PV Institute kept in mind on Monday, that's more solar per head than anywhere else in the world.
Australia passes 25GW of set up PV
Image: Australian PV Institute

With a populace of about 25 million, Australia currently has virtually 1kW of PV mounted each-- conveniently keeping its world-leading condition.

By the end of 2021, there were more than 3.04 million PV installations in Australia, with an incorporated capacity of over 25.3 GW, the Australian PV Institute kept in mind.

Australia's solar market has actually gone through rising durations of growth given that the government's Renewable resource Target (RET) system began on April 1, 2001. In between 2001 and 2010, the solar market's development relaxed 15%, before a period of far more fast growth from 2010 to 2013.

After supporting in between 2014 and also 2015, the marketplace is trending upwards, driven by domestic setups. Rooftop solar today plays a vital role in Australia's energy mix, adding 7.9% to the National Electricity Market (NEM) demand in 2021, up from 6.4% in 2020 and 5.2% in 2019.

According to numbers released by the Climate Council in February, renewable resource generation in the National Electricity Market boosted by almost 20% in 2021, with renewables supplying 31.4% of electricity generation last year.

In South Australia, these percentages are much more shocking. In the final days of 2021, the state ran for practically one week on renewable resource. South Australia's 156-hour job powered by wind, roof solar and also utility-scale solar farms, firmed by fractional quantities of gas, was considered record-breaking for similar grids all over the world.

Image: Australian PV Institute
