AST receives repeat orders for 13 DM measurement systems for PERC cells production

Oct 29, 2019 03:35 PM ET
AST receives repeat orders for 13 DM measurement systems for PERC cells production
Image: AST
Inline solar cell measurement equipment specialist Aurora Solar Technologies (AST) has won a major repeat order from two top-tier China-based manufacturers of high-efficiency PERC (Passivated Emitter Solar Cell) solar cells.
AST noted that the orders were for a total of 13 DM measurement systems, bringing its business with the two customers to a total of 40 DM systems. AST said that it expected to ship the orders later in the current fiscal quarter.
“These continuing volume orders from the largest solar cell manufacturers in the world are reflective of the explosive growth of this business in China, and of Aurora’s emerging position as the dominant player in our field,” said Gordon Deans, Aurora’s Chief Executive Officer. “We appreciate the confidence that our customers have placed in Aurora’s solutions. This is particularly important in the context that solar photovoltaic is now the undisputed first choice for renewable energy generation worldwide, as recently reported by the International Energy Agency,” he continued. 
AST recently won its largest single order from a major China-based manufacturer of PERC solar cells with an order for 20 DM-110e measurements systems, which had been specifically designed for Chinese market needs.